41 Week Bump Update

Oh hey, 41 Weeks. Nice to see you again.

Still no baby. With Brody arriving at 42 weeks, I am not surprised to see our estimated due date come and go. My belly must be cozy!

Last time, I struggled through these extra weeks. Emotional roller coaster. This time, I feel much calmer. I feel like the excitement has just started to build up. I am embracing these extra few lazy days at home.

Incase you were curious what a 41 week bump looks like, see above. 



The calendar has been cleared off for two weeks now, so we are starting to get a bit stir crazy over here. I think we've walked through Target about 37 times now. Wishing the weather was cooler so we could pass the days by playing outside.


At the beginning of the week, I was not ready for the baby to arrive. The midwife offered to do a membrane sweep and I politely declined informing her I was not ready for a baby. Now that we have reached Friday, I am so ready. Come on baby girl!


Sleep has been rough this past week. I am sure it is just prepping me for what is to come. Boy does a full night of sleep with no bathroom breaks sounds like a luxury at the moment. 

Passing time by...


I pulled out Ina May's Guide to Childbirth to reread. I love all of the birth stories inside.

Shopping online.

I think JD will be happy when this baby arrives. With each day of waiting, her closet and Brody's closet are getting more and more full. 

Dates with Brody.

We've had a lot of fun days together, which has made my heart soften a bit about adding to the clan. From movie dates to afternoons sitting at the kitchen table coloring--these extra days have been good for my heart. 

Eating out (way more than is acceptable).

I have no interest or energy in cooking right now. Our fridge and pantry are empty. We discovered a delicious new pizza joint that we have already been to twice in a week. I hate to admit it, but drive-thus have been my jam recently too. #survivalmode Don't even ask what I had for breakfast!


Ha, Just kidding. 

Looking Forward To...

Heartburn ending.

Whew! This has been the toughest thing to deal with during the 2nd and 3rd trimester. I had pretty bad heartburn with Brody, but this time it literally makes me vomit. My ears ring, throat feels like it is on fire and sleep is nearly impossible most nights. Girlfriend must have a full head full of luscious locks.

Our new nanny starting.

Most of you probably know my batting average when it comes to nannies is pretty terrible. So bad that I gave up on even looking for a nanny for 8+ months. But with all of the changes coming, my worries about postpartum, and how awful I am at asking for help when I need it, we decided a nanny coming by in the afternoons to entertain Brody and help around the house would be money well spent. We met her earlier this week and Brody has already been asking when she is going to come back.

Seeing Our Baby!

I can't wait to meet her and see what she looks like! And the baby cuddles. And the baby wearing. And watching Brody hold her for the first time--lots to look forward to!

Worried About...

Going into labor in the middle of the night.

The logistics of this seem more complicated than going into labor during the day. The type-A personality is hard to balance when labor is so unpredictable. Will someone stay at our home with Brody or will we wake him up to go to a family member's house? Will we have to wake up our doula, birth photographer, midwife, family members etc? I am sure I am just overthinking it all.

My water breaking when I'm walking around a store.

My water did not break until right before I started pushing with Brody. For some reason this time around, every time I walk into a store I worry that my water is going to break all over the place. Clean up on aisle 10.

Not making it to the hospital in time.

My midwife keeps telling me she's having dreams that our baby came so fast she was born at home. I think she's a bit worried that I won't make it to the hospital before the baby is born. I know second labors are often quicker, but now this is in the back of my mind. With my luck, I'll probably arrive to the hospital way too early and they will send me home. 

Being Induced. 

I am trying not to worry about this too much since a lot can change in a week, but it is in the back of my mind. I am the crazy lady who sucks up painful heartburn to avoid taking a prescription. On the other hand, I've heard so many positive induction stories over the years that I know it will be ok if it is needed. 

The Game Plan...

We did a membrane sweep this morning. It was a lot more painful than I remember it being with Brody (and with him we did 3 membrane strippings!).  As of today, 3cm dilated 80% effaced. Since labor can change so quickly (or slowly) I am not reading into these measurements at all.

Next appointment is Monday for a Non-Stress test to make sure everything looks good for baby. Also, another membrane sweep. 

Then we will go back to the doctor on Wednesday for a Non-stress test and an ultrasound to check amniotic fluid levels. If all looks good, we will wait a couple of days to see if things jumpstart on their own. But if she hasn't come by Friday, we'll be getting induced. 

So there is the scoop on baby #2! Send all of your labor vibes my way. So crazy to think that by this time next week we will likely have a baby in our arms! I'll keep you guys posted on Instagram Stories in the meantime.

PSST: Did you catch my 3rd trimester bump update?

Mandy Roberson

Wife to JD | Momma | Childbirth Educator | Founder of Momma Society-The Community of Modern Moms | Living in Sunny Arizona


Dear Isla - A letter To You About Your Birth


A Floral Brunch to Celebrate Our Sweet Baby Girl