Baby's First Foods & Puree Recipes

Your little one’s first foods are a big milestone in their life!  Pediatricians recommend that parents start their babies out on "Stage 1 baby foods"  When first starting solids.  Packaged or baby food that comes in jars will generally state what "stage" the foods are - making it easy for you to pick the food that is most age-appropriate for your baby . Stage 1 baby foods are are the lowest on the allergy scale, thin and smooth,  and are typically more easily digested by tiny tummies.

I like to get in the kitchen and prepare my own homemade baby purees.  Making homemade purees is not only super economical, but sourcing out quality fresh, local, organic produce also gives me great peace of mind knowing exactly what I’m feeding my little one.

Looking for some great recipes you can make yourself?  I recommend Carrots, Sweet Potato, and Pears. These purees tend to be well-liked because they are fairly mild, and slightly sweet in taste.

I’ve included three of my favorite recipes that you can prepare yourself right in your own kitchen.  
They’re so simple to make!


Vitamins:  A, C, Folate 
Minerals:  Calcium, Potassium, Sodium, Selenium, Phosphorous, and Magnesium 

My preferred method for preparing sweet potato is baking them.


  • 3 Sweet Potatoes
  • Water/Breast Milk/Infant Formula


  • Preheat your oven to 400F degrees
  • Poke holes in sweet potatoes with a fork and then wrap them in foil
  • Bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes or until soft
  • After baking, remove the skins or scoop out softened sweet potato with a spoon
  • Place sweet potato into a blender with water, breast milk, or infant formula and puree
  • Add any additional liquid as needed to form a smooth, thin consistency


Vitamins:  B2, C, E and K
Minerals:  Potassium and Copper

Pears are an excellent source of fiber and have a mild flavor that makes it a perfect "first" fruit.


  • 3 Pears
  • Water 


  • Peel, core and chop pears
  • Place pears in steamer basket with just enough water that you can see it in the bottom and steam until tender
  • Once steamed - place pears and a little water into a blender and puree
  • Add any additional water as needed to form a smooth, thin consistency


Vitamins:  A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E and K
Minerals:  Potassium, Magnesium, Sodium, Phosphorous, Iron and Calcium 

Carrots are one of the primary vegetables.  They are full of beta carotene that helps keep growing eyes healthy.


  • 5 carrots
  • Water


  • Peel carrots and cut into small pieces
  • Place carrot pieces into a steamer basket with just enough water that you can see it in the bottom and steam until tender
  • Place steamed carrots and a little water (fresh, not leftover from steaming!) into blender and puree
  • Add any additional water to form a smooth, thin consistency

Please keep in mind that when you make baby food purees at home,  it’s really difficult to replicate the super smooth consistency you find in baby food that comes in jars.  As long as your homemade purees do not have large pieces, or appear to be too lumpy or thick – it will be safe to feed to your baby.

Remember to always speak with your pediatrician before introducing solid foods to your baby for the first time.

Have fun in the kitchen and let us know if you try any of these recipes!

Do you have any favorite homemade baby puree recipes that you like to prepare?  

What was the first food you introduced to your baby when starting solids?  Leave us a comment below!

Learn more about Lauryn Van Rooy - Health & Wellness Contributor - and our Momma Society Contributors here


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