How to Pick the Perfect Double Stroller

Sure, you picked out the perfect stroller once – but can you do it again and this time with double the requirements? There’s a reason why “baby gear” rhymes with “paralyzing fear”. There are so many questions when it comes to double strollers and the number of choices can be overwhelming. When we had Isla, I went back and fourth between stroller options and felt like I was losing my mind trying to pick the right one. So, I surveyed hundreds of moms to find the answers to my most pressing double stroller questions: which, how much, and why.

The Big Questions

Before you invest in a double stroller, you need to ask yourself why you’re buying and what will you use the stroller for. There are dozens of options out there and each are designed for a variety of uses, so knowing how you’ll use your stroller will help to narrow down your choices.

  1. Who will be using the stroller? This seems obvious – me + my kids! – but there’s more to it than that. Will you be pushing the stroller or will grandma? Will the same two kids be using the stroller consistently or do you need to consider a variety of passengers before you purchase?

    Start your stroller search by identifying who will primarily be pushing and who will be riding. This can make a big difference in everyone’s level of comfort.

  2. When will you use the stroller and for how long? When selecting your stroller, you need to consider two different units of time. The first deals with frequency: do you live in a very walkable area? Is walking your primary mode of transportation? Are you using your stroller daily? If you know you’ll get as much use out of your stroller as you do your diaper bag, chances are that you’ll want to go ahead and purchase.

    Additionally, consider how long you’ll be using your stroller. Is this going to bridge a small amount of time between pushing both kids and just pushing one or are you anticipating at least six months of use? If you won’t need a double stroller for long, consider baby-wearing one child while you push the other in the stroller as a more cost and labor saving alternative. However, if your children are close in age (or twins) it may save you time and energy to invest in a double stroller.

  3. What’s your budget? Like any other baby gear, double strollers run the gambit in terms of cost. Determine what your budget is before you start shopping so you don’t fall in love with a stroller outside of that range.

    You may be able to find “pre-pushed” strollers for sale on your local Facebook Marketplace or children’s resale store, so keep your eyes peeled for a deal. Manufactures will sometimes sell refurbished gear on their website or Amazon page, so check those options as well.

  4. In-line versus side-by-side? If you’ve looked at double strollers before, you know that they generally come in two styles: in-line and side-by-side. An in-line or tandem stroller has one seat directly behind the other whereas side-by-side is – you guess it, two seats side by side. Depending on the length of the stroller, an in-line stroller may be more difficult to turn. If you can, take both styles for a test drive before you commit!

Recommendations from Real Moms

Anyone can write a dazzling product description, so I asked real moms which double stroller they love, what they’re using their double stroller for, and why they love it.

The Momma Society Favorites

Of all the strollers mentioned, these three were far and away the favorites for double strollers!

The Joovy Caboose Sit and Stand Stroller | This is a great option for a bigger age gap and allows the older child the option to either stand on the back of the stroller or to sit in a backward facing seat while your younger child sits in the front seat. It also comes with a car seat adapter, so it’s a great option for newborns, too!

The UPPAbaby Vista | The Vista can accommodate up to three children (if one is standing) and can be configured in so many ways. The stroller comes with a bassinet, can accommodate a car seat, and has a large storage area underneath. Unlike some of the other strollers, this one can transition from one to three children, so it definitely worth the investment up front if you’re planning to have more than one child. As a major bonus, the style of the stroller is gorgeous and features the swivel front wheel.

The Baby Jogger City Select Double | The City Select stroller is another that will convert from a single to a double and can configure in 16 different positions overall! The City Select easily folds up and can accommodate 45 pounds per seat. I absolutely love that there’s a brake installed on the handlebar but the real star is the adjustable handlebar. The telescoping feature makes it easy to adjust the handle height and accommodate anyone pushing the stroller.

Budget Friendly Double Strollers

The Graco Ready2Grow | The Ready2Grow can accommodate two infant car seats, one car seat and one child, or two riding children and is great deal at $199. You can also remove the rear seat and use the attached standing platform, meaning more ways to use this stroller. I love that this one includes a parent tray with cup holder too – mommas need features too! The stroller is designed to pair with the Graco SnugRide Click Connect Infant Car Seats, so no adapters are required if you’re already using those!

The Joovy Caboose Too | At under $170, this stroller is a serious steal and is very lightweight. The front seat provides access to a snack tray and the seat can be reclined in three different positions. The back seat offers either a standard seat option or a standing space and I love that you can toggle between the two depending on your needs. A car seat can be attached to the front seat using an adapter (sold separately) and the stroller can be converted to four different positions accommodating two children.

Running While Strolling

Contrary to popular belief – i.e. my belief – a jogging stroller is not necessarily designed for running! Most jogging strollers can accommodate some light running, but if you’re planning to log some serious miles (more than two at a time), you need a stroller with the proper suspension system to support you and your babies.

The Thule Urban Glide 2 Double Stroller | What the Urban Glide 2 lacks in sleekness when folded, it more than makes up for in easy of use while running! The body design is similar to the B.O.B stroller but is a bit slimmer and the car seat attachment is easier to navigate. Additionally, the Urban Glide 2 is designed to support larger toddlers or children of varying ages, so you’ll only need to invest in one model for the long haul.

The BOB Duallie Stroller | Known as the industry leader for all-terrain running strollers, B.O.B. offers a double stroller in its Flex 3.0, Pro, and Strides models. Like the Thule, B.O.B strollers have a single front wheel, offer a number of storage compartments, and can accommodate one car seat. It is important to note that the single and double strollers require different adapters, so you’ll need one to match your stroller type, not just the brand.

The Best Adapters for Car Seats

If you’re transporting infant car seats, a snap-and-go frame can be an absolute life saver. Moms recommended both the Baby Trend Snap-N-Go Double Universal Double Stroller and the Joovy Twin Roo+ Infant Car Seat Stroller Frame. Both fold up to be very compact (ideal for traveling) and provide a large storage space underneath. The main difference is that the Baby Trend option has forward-facing stadium seating whereas the Joovy option puts both seats on the same level in a side-by-side position. Bonus – both include cup holders!

The Most Splurge Worthy Double Stroller

The mommas agree – if you’re looking to splurge on your double stroller, then the Bugaboo Donkey 2 is for you. All options come with a generous storage space down below, but depending on how you’ll use it, there are three options to choose from:

The Bugaboo Donkey 2 Mono | Designed to expand from one seat to two, this option is ideal if you’re planning to accommodate two children – but not just yet.

The Bugaboo Donkey 2 Duo | Ideal for an infant and toddler combo, the Donkey 2 Duo can accommodate either a car seat or a bassinet as well as a toddler seat or provide space for two toddlers. Whatever your family plans look like, this stroller is designed to grow with you.

The Bugaboo Donkey 2 Twin | Double the babies, double the fun. The Donkey 2 Twin can fit two car seats, two bassinets, or two toddler seats, all side-by-side. It’s still narrow enough to fit through a standard door and I love that you can face the seats either towards you or away. Luxury never looked so good.

One Final Option

I was reluctant to invest in a double stroller knowing Brody would only ride in it for a short time, so I invested in a glider board and it’s been the best decision for our family. You can buy a universal glider board from Amazon or a brand specific one. Some double strollers include the board with the double stroller, but our go-to stroller has been the Infant Stokke Xplory with the Sibling Board. Brody loves to ride it and I love that I get to keep my same trusty stroller and push both kids at the same time.

I know there are so many stroller options out there, but I hope this will help to guide your decision a little bit! If you’ve found a double stroller that you love, tag @MommaSociety on social media and let me know why you’re loving it!

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Mandy Roberson

Wife to JD | Momma | Childbirth Educator | Founder of Momma Society-The Community of Modern Moms | Living in Sunny Arizona

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