4 Ways to Style a Bunny Inspired Nursery

Thanks to Caitlin from Cait Waite Designs for providing this post!

Well friends… It is the week before Easter, and I am slightly inspired by all these pictures of cute little kiddos with the Easter Bunny. Okay… actually I am frightened by the creepy Easter Bunny, but the pictures and this time of the year in general always get me thinking about nurseries… Is that weird? I love LOVE LOVEEEE nursery design. Really any type of design for kiddos. It’s so much fun because you have to be practical but you can also be whimsical! So I had an idea for all of you and decided to design 4 different takes on a bunny inspired nursery. Before we “hop” in to the 4 different designs (sorry… sometimes my Dad’s “Dad jokes” rub off on me) I thought I could also address the important difference between themed nurseries and inspired nursery design.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a themed nursery. If you know what you want, then by all means DO IT! If you have an idea of something you were wanting to incorporate and are at a crossroads of whether to take it and run with it and implement it in every square inch of your space, let me see if I can guide you in a different direction.

Inspired nursery design is taking something very important to you or some type of underlying theme you were wanting to incorporate and making it more a focal point by using it sparingly. So, If you wanted to have a nursery with bunnies in it, think about just a cute nursery with an over-sized bunny print or a cute bunny wallpaper on one wall. To help you understand what I am talking about, check out these 4 fun different takes on a bunny inspired nursery. I have also included clickable links so you can check out some of these products or discover some of my go to source sites for clients!

The MOD Bunny

The Woodland Bunny

Little Honey Bunny

Little Buddy Bunny

Which design is your favorite?

If you loved this post, we think you’ll also be interested in Caitlyn’s other articles on Momma Society - How to Childproof your Home in Style


About the Author

Mandy Roberson

Wife to JD | Momma | Childbirth Educator | Founder of Momma Society-The Community of Modern Moms | Living in Sunny Arizona


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