Planning our Anniversary Trip to Charleston with Nordstrom

This post was a collaboration with Nordstrom. Thank-you for supporting the sponsors that help keep Momma Society going. :)

This month marks JD and I’s 5-year wedding anniversary. It is surreal how much has happened in 5 years. From adventures, to babies, moves and new friendships we have so much to be grateful for. 

One thing that has been on our bucket list for the year, was an anniversary trip. We were hoping to go back to Belize, where we honeymooned. With work schedules a little crazy right now, we decided a local trip would be a bit easier. 

Charleston has been high on our list of cities to visit since moving to South Carolina, so this seemed like the perfect place to celebrate our anniversary.

It’s exciting to be taking a kid-free trip! Our last trip without kids tagging along was our babymoon to Bermuda before Isla was born. Yup, we’ve never left Isla overnight. This time to reconnect + celebrate is long overdue.

Coat | Dress | Beanie (similar) | Shoes (similar)

Packing for Charleston

Now onto the fun part—packing! It sure is a little less stressful when you’re only packing for 1.

After giving Brody + Isla’s wardrobes a little refresh from the Nordstrom Fall Sale, I also picked up a few pieces with Charleston in mind for myself.

Coat | dress

Of course the first collection I stalked for this trip was the Gal Meets Glam Collection for Nordstrom. With Julia, the creator of the brand, calling Charleston home—I knew it would be full of pretty dresses for my trip. The Louise dress was my favorite purchase. Feminine goodness—It’s droll-worthy. As soon as I put it on, I just wanted to twirl.

It would make a great dress for a bump too. I would probably size up 1-2 sizes to accommodate a bump. How great would this be at a baby shower?! Nordstrom even has in store alterations & tailoring as one of their awesome services if you need it adjusted. Or take advantage of their free shipping + free returns and order 2 sizes to see which works best.

Remember that blush jacket I bought a few weeks ago? Charleston was definitely on my mind when I clicked add to cart on that one. (ps: just noticed it’s on MEGA sale!). l I love the monochromatic look when it’s paired with the pink dress. It also looks great with this floral dress I bought.

Prepping the kids for a weekend with Gigi +Pop Pop

One of the most stressful parts of making time for our marriage is always figuring out childcare. JD and I both have serious guilt over asking for help. We’re not good at it. 

I never want to feel like I am burdening or inconveniencing someone, but at the same time, I know how refreshing time away can be. I’m trying to learn how to find the balance in this department.

Now that Isla is no longer nursing and she sleeps a little better at night, it’s time for us to make-up for some long overdue date nights + trips.

To keep Brody + Isla on their routine while we are away, we are having my parents stay at our house with them. This way they can sleep in their own beds and we do not have to pack up a billion things for them.

Brody is actually really excited about us leaving. This is the kid that cried because he didn’t want us to be home when we came back from our babymoon.

His love language is 100% gifts. Each day, I leave behind a little dollar store gift in a brown paper bag for him to open. He lives for this.

Sale Picks!

I am really excited about our trip! I’ll be stalking Nordstrom this weekend as I do some holiday shopping! There are so many great deals going on right now. Here are some recent items I have bought. But the first thing you should add to your cart, is this basic tee. It’s on sale for under $12 + Free Shipping and seriously the best basic tee I’ve ever owned. Sale goes through Monday!

I hope you all have a wonderful thanksgiving! Send your Charleston recommendations my way!

Mandy Roberson

Wife to JD | Momma | Childbirth Educator | Founder of Momma Society-The Community of Modern Moms | Living in Sunny Arizona

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