Getting our Health Back On Track + My Favorite Smoothie Recipe

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The last trimester of pregnancy and our first weeks as a family of four took a toll on our usual healthy lifestyle. To put it simply, Brody learned the menu at Chick-Fil-A and we all vegged out in front of screens a bit more than is socially acceptable. Now that we have surpassed the 6-week postpartum mark, we have slowly started to get back on track with our health and fitness. From morning smoothies to vitamins to exercise, here is a little glimpse at the changes we are making.

It is no secret that breakfast is the most important part of the day, but I am fairly certain they are not referring to my bowl of Lucky Charms when they talk about it being the most important. To start our day off a little better, I have stockpiled the ingredients for my favorite smoothie. I sneak in spinach leaves and Reuteri probiotic powder for a little extra health boost. We have started whipping up a batch in the mornings and it has been a big hit with Brody and JD.

Here’s the scoop on the green smoothie recipe we use.


1.5 Cups of Frozen Fruit (we love using berry blends)

1 Banana

1.5 Cups of Spinach Leaves

1.5 Cups of Orange Juice

Place ingredients in blender in the order listed above and blend until smooth.

Now that our mornings are a bit smoother, we are planning to get back into a workout routine. For years, we went to a nightly fitness bootcamp at the park. Between lots of traveling in the Spring, the heat of Summer, and then the 6 weeks of postpartum, we fell off of the bandwagon. As we start working out again, I have also been looking into integrating Nature’s Way MCT Oil into our routine. This coconut based oil helps the body produce energy, which can be especially helpful when you are exercising and chasing little ones around all day.

We have also started taking vitamins as a family. I remember taking those little chewable television character vitamins as a kid, but as I grew into my teenage years and then adulthood, vitamins were never a part of my routine. Now, every morning after breakfast, we make a point to take our vitamins together. Brody never lets us forget--probably because he thinks his Nature’s Way Alive! Gummies are special treats. They come in three fruity flavors and JD takes a Nature’s Way Men’s Energizer Multi-Vitamin and I take their women’s multivitamin, and we give Isla her probiotic drops at the same time. Both of the Nature’s Way men and women’s multi-vitamins are formulated with extra B-Vitamins that help to give you more energy. Since I do not drink caffeine often, I love that this is part of the vitamins.

As a mom, the responsibility weighs heavy on me to make sure we are setting a healthy lifestyle example for Brody and Isla. It is too easy to fall off of the bandwagon. I am hoping between our healthy breakfast smoothie, our morning vitamins, and getting back on track with our nightly workouts, we will slowly evolve back to a healthier, more energetic lifestyle.

We love shopping on iherb for everything from our vitamins to our probiotic powder and everything in between. They carry over 400 Nature’s Way products and ship to over 160 countries (plus, their shipping is always extra fast!). If you haven’t shopped on iHerb before, first time customers can take $5 off of their Nature’s Way order of $20!

A few other favorite Nature’s Way Products to check out on iHerb:

Nature’s Way Alive! Calcium

With calcium being a large contributor to building a healthy heart, teeth and bones to baby’s during pregnancy, I’ve been more conscious than ever on my calcium intake. The Nature’s Way Alive Bone Formula is made from plant sources like kale and greens, whereas other supplements contain calcium from rocks or animal bones. Coming from plants, the calcium is easier for our bodies to absorb.

Nature’s Way Alive! Calcium

With cold and flu season upon us, I am the mom who has hand sanitizer all over the house. Since we had a big health scare with Isla’s immune system when she was born, I have become paranoid about keeping the rest of us in the house healthy so that she stays healthy. I recently started reading about the effectiveness of Echinacea to boost the immune system when colds begin to hit. I have added this to my medicine cabinet to tryout as a natural alternative to over the counter medicines.

What vitamins do you take on a daily basis? How did you get your health back on track post pregnancy?

Mandy Roberson

Wife to JD | Momma | Childbirth Educator | Founder of Momma Society-The Community of Modern Moms | Living in Sunny Arizona

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