A Day In The Life of Sarah Nelson

When the words "cool mom" come up, Sarah Nelson comes to mind. From her love of donuts, to her passion for thrifting, Sarah is one of those genuine people that you are dying to be friends with. I am so excited to have momma to sweet Greyer and little Ruby sharing a peek into her life as balances the early mornings and busy days of motherhood.

By The Numbers

The Daily Grind

5:11 AM I hear Ruby waking up for her early morning feeding. This is earlier than usual, but I went to bed earlier than usual, so I'm quicker to soothe her.

5:20 AM Ruby and I go back to sleep.

7:30 AM Greyer, my two year old, wakes up saying "I have to go potty RIGHT AWAY!" My husband gets out of bed and helps Greyer go potty and gets him fed and watching his morning cartoon.

8:12 AM Ruby wakes up for the day and so do I. We head downstairs for coffee and time with the boys.

8:45 AM My husband leaves for work. We give him kisses and watch him back down the driveway. 

9:00 AM I put Ruby down for her morning nap and grab some quiet time at the kitchen table to eat my breakfast and read a little. Greyer is quiet, which is concerning when he's only two. I go to check on him and find he's lost interest in the TV and is playing with dinos on his bedroom floor.

9:28 AM Ruby is still asleep, but not for much longer, so I spend the last 12 minutes of her morning nap throwing on some makeup and fixing my hair. 

9:40 AM Exactly forty minutes after she fell asleep, Ruby's awake again. While she's still happy in her crib, I put some clothes on Greyer while my hands are still baby-free. He protests against wearing jeans like he does every day around this time and I assure him he can just wear sweatpants today. I let him choose between wearing a hat or letting me comb his hair and I secretly hope he picks the hat option so I don't have to battle him through the dreaded hair brushing part of the day. But he decides he wants to use daddy's hair gel and is surprisingly cooperative. 

10:50 AM I've finally gotten both kids and myself ready to head out the door. For today's errand we are going thrifting! 

11:08 AM We arrive at the store and the employees greet me by name. They know me because I come in at least once a week to collect furniture pieces for my casual side business of repurposing/reselling furniture. Greyer and Ruby are absolute angels this time, so I reward Greyer by letting him take home a book of his choice. He's chosen one about tigers. 

11:45 AM we pack up the car and head home just in time to put Ruby down for her next nap and feed Greyer lunch.

12:20 PM I've changed Ruby's diaper and put her to bed. Greyer is looking through his new book while I make him a "platter" for lunch. He is obsessed with eating little snacks all day, so this is how I get him to eat a full meal, by laying out four different snacky-type foods on one plate.

12:45 PM I get Greyer changed and in bed for his nap. It takes him a while to fall asleep, but that's ok because Ruby is taking her long nap of the day. My biggest dilemma is whether I should try to take a short nap to tie me over 'til my husband gets home, or if I should just push through the fatigue and be productive. I choose to nap, and get a solid thirty minutes of sleep before Ruby wakes up!

2:00 PM Greyer is still sleeping, so I put in a Baby Einstein DVD for Ruby. It's so cute how excited she gets when she hears the intro song. 

4:15 PM Greyer wakes up and Ruby just fell asleep for her final nap of the day. I feed him a snack and we play together before I have to start making dinner. 

4:55 PM Ruby wakes up and Greyer asks to play with her on his bed which basically consists of him piling all of his stuffed animals and blankets on top of her. Don't worry, he knows to never cover her face.

5:30 PM I start dinner and the kids come down stairs to watch for daddy out the front window.

5:40 PM
Ian, my husband, pulls up and is greeted by our "welcoming committee". Everyone washes up and sits down for dinner together. 

6:15 PM Ian bathes the kids while I do the dishes, and then we divide and conquer bedtime. Ruby gets a goodnight kiss from everyone before I put her in her crib to sleep. My husband reads Greyer a book and prays for him and then I come in to sing to him-- "Silent Night", every night since he was born!

7:20 PM Finally, my favorite time of day! Both kids are asleep and my husband and I get to cuddle up, watch TV (currently on a "Better Call Saul" kick), and drink wine! 

10:00 PM I read a chapter in my book so I'm not too far behind for book club and then I go straight to bed! I'm exhausted and know tomorrow will be another long day!

Connect with Sarah

Follow the Nelson Family on Instagram @SarahCNelly

Love peeking into the live's of other Mommas? Check out our Day in the Life with Ashley LaRue in Vienna, Dr. Linda Parra's Day to Day in Arizona, or a Day in Mobile, Alabama with Momma Caitlyn Waite.

Mandy Roberson

Wife to JD | Momma | Childbirth Educator | Founder of Momma Society-The Community of Modern Moms | Living in Sunny Arizona


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