My Hospital Bag: A 3rd Time Mom's Guide for What You Really Need

This post was created in collaboration with Belabumbum. Thank you for supporting the advertisers that keep Momma Society going!

We’re so close to the arrival of baby #3 and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t freaking out a little bit. Aside from the usual stress of the holidays, I’m stressing about what still needs to be done to prepare for this baby’s big debut. So to start knocking things off of my to-do list, I decided to get a jump on packing the hospital bag since baby boy will be here any day now!

Currently, Belabumbum is offering 40% sitewide for Cyber Monday. You can use the code CYBERSALE to stock up on your hospital bag essentials.

Picking the Perfect Hospital Bag

Honestly, it’s more like bags because I can’t seem to fit everything in one carry-on. To break it down, I separate everything by item type, size, and use. I use a combination of large zip-lock bags and packing cubes to keep everything sorted so it’s easy to find once we’re in the hospital. I keep all of the big essentials in the bag that comes with me, while some of my other add-on items will stay in the car until our second or third day in the hospital.

For my main bag I usually use a large duffel or weekender bag so I have enough room for everything. This is separate from the diaper bag that I fill with essentials like diapers and wipes that I want to keep separate from the clothing and toiletries that we need for our stay.

The Bag Breakdown

Like I said, I keep similar items packed together so they’re easier to find. I’ve broken down my packing system by category + contents to make sure nothing gets left off of the list!

VID’s: Very Important Documents

These go in a regular manila folder and are kept in the diaper bag so that they don’t get lost or bent among the main hospital bag contents. It includes:

  • A name banner that we’ll hang on the door in the mother + baby room to announce baby’s birth.

  • Several copies of my birth wishes list so that the nurses and I can all have one handy.

  • Baby book pages for the foot and handprints. If you can remove these from the book, I recommend it so there’s less to carry.

  • A copy of my driver’s license and insurance cards.

Baby Items

These are separate from the diaper bag items and go in a packing cube in the main hospital bag:

  • Two kimono-style onesies from H&M. These are softer than the onesies they give you at the hospital and they’re really easy to take on and off.

  • A Solly Baby sleeper set that includes a shirt and footed pants. This thing is so soft and perfect for newborn skin.

  • Two swaddles, pre-washed at home. I know they have swaddle blankets available at the hospital, but these are definitely softer.

  • Baby gloves and a hat. These are pretty typical for newborns at any point in the year, but I want to make sure baby is ready for winter days leaving the hospital!

Mom Gear

This will include anything I need during and after labor. It’s kept in its own packing cube in the main bag:

  • My go-to hospital outfit. This includes old sandals (that I usually toss after) and a comfy sports bra to wear during labor and delivery.

  • A comfy nursing set for after baby is born. After delivery, I’ll change into this Belabumbum lounge set which is so soft and includes a pair of pants, a nursing tank, and a matching robe. I love that it keeps you comfy, but still pulled together for when the family arrives to visit baby. If you’re a momma that likes to match with your new baby, they have a lot of coordinating options to choose from.

  • A Belabumbum mesh nursing bra. I probably won’t wear this until it’s time to leave the hospital, but I wanted to pack something that would be supportive and comfortable.

  • A robe for photos. We’re having a photographer come to the hospital to take photos of the baby after birth and while I probably won’t have my face in many, I wanted to have a pretty + comfortable outfit to wear while I’m holding the baby.

  • A loose, cotton dress for going home. Comfort is key in the postpartum days and a darker dress is perfect for hiding anything like dirt or sweat. It’s also nursing friendly so it’ll be functional, too.

I love the delicate details of this nursing bra from Belabumbum


I know this surprise some of you, but I don’t bring any makeup to the hospital! I’m always amazed by the moms that are able to put on a full face after birth - you go girl. But since I don’t wear much makeup day-to-day, I leave it at home to keep things simple. I keep all of the toiletries in a large plastic bag in the main hospital bag:

  • Deodorant. Pretty self explanatory - it’s not called labor because it’s easy!

  • Contacts and glasses. I like to have both on hand so that I can go with what feels best for the day.

  • A disposable razor and shaving cream. This is really more for JD than for me, but it’s nice to have the option!

  • Disposable toothbrushes. I use these every time I go to the hospital and I love that you don’t have to hold on to them after you leave.

  • Shampoo, conditioner, + dry shampoo. I’ll probably shower at least once while we’re at the hospital, but I like to have dry shampoo as a backup option.

  • Hair ties. I always seem to lose these so it’s good to have a few extra lying around.

  • Chapstick. Your mouth might get pretty dry during labor and in the hospital, so it’s great to have this on hand.


The cafeteria in our hospital closes at 7 pm so they advised us to bring lots of snacks! These also go in a large plastic bag in the main hospital bag:

  • Applesauce pouches

  • Granola bars

  • Fruit leather

  • Gum + mints

  • Honey sticks (for fuel during labor!)

Misc. Items

There are a few things that either don’t come in the main hospital bag or don’t fit in with everything else, but I still like to have them on hand to make the hospital stay more comfortable:

  • A change of clothes for JD. Since we have other kids at home, he’ll be going there at least once to bring them to the hospital, so he has an option to change and shower at home.

  • Boppy pillow for nursing

  • An extra pillow for my hospital bed

  • The big brother + big sister gifts for Brody and Isla. These will go in the car until the kids come to meet their brother in the hospital.

  • Thank you gifts for our labor + delivery nurses. They can be small, but I think it’s important to show our nurses some gratitude for all that they do.

  • The baby’s car seat. You can’t leave the hospital without it!

This is the Lounge Chic PJ & Robe set from Belabumbum

After two kids and two hospital stays, I think I’ve got this hospital bag down to a science! Are you bringing anything to the hospital that I’m not? Any tricks I should know? Comment below or tag me on Instagram to show me what’s in your hospital bag!


About the Author

Mandy Roberson

Wife to JD | Momma | Childbirth Educator | Founder of Momma Society-The Community of Modern Moms | Living in Sunny Arizona

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